发表时间: 2020-01-09 作者:
日期 |
文献名 |
杂志 |
汇报人 |
2019.09.05 |
TGFβ-induced degradation of TRAF3 in mesenchymal progenitor cells causes age-related osteoporosis. |
杨炎 |
2019.09.12 |
Loureirin B suppresses RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis and ovariectomized osteoporosis via attenuating NFATc1 and ROS activities. |
Theranostics |
谭绍林 |
2019.09.19 |
The Nrf2 activator RTA-408 attenuates osteoclastogenesis by inhibiting STING dependent NF-κb signaling. |
Redox Biology |
苏元港 |
2019.09.26 |
Theranostics |
梁嘉敏 |
2019.10.10 |
Reprogrammed marrow adipocytes contribute to myeloma-induced bone disease. |
Sci Transl Med. |
连浩宇 |
2019.10.17 |
Osteoprotection Through the Deletion of the Transcription Factor Rorβ in Mice. |
马步国 |
2019.10.24 |
The RNA demethylase FTO is required for maintenance of bone mass and functions to protect osteoblasts from genotoxic damage. |
孙超 |
2019.10.31 |
Lkb1 deletion in periosteal mesenchymal progenitors induces osteogenic tumors through mTORC1 activation. |
J Clin Invest. |
蒋捷 |
2019.11.07 |
Hematopoietic PBX-interacting protein mediates cartilage degeneration during the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis. |
陈蔚蔚 |
2019.11.28 |
Systemic delivery of a Gli inhibitor via polymeric nanocarriers inhibits tumor-induced bone disease. |
李凯 |
2019.12.05 |
Sfrp4 repression of the Ror2/Jnk cascade in osteoclasts protects cortical bone from excessive endosteal resorption. |
湛云飞 |
2019.12.12 |
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) inhibitor 4-IPP suppresses osteoclast formation and promotes osteoblast differentiation through the inhibition of the NF-kB signaling pathway |
The FASEB Journal |
田昆 |
2019.12.19 |
Absence of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 3 Increases Oxidative Stress and Causes Bone Loss |
江长幸 |
2019.12.26 |
Articular cartilage degradation and aberrant subchondral bone remodeling in patients with osteoarthritis and osteoporosis |
李毅成 |
2020.01.02 |
c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are critical mediators of osteoblast activity in vivo |
田昆 |
2020.01.09 |
CircRNA AFF4 promotes osteoblast cells proliferation and inhibits apoptosis via the Mir-7223-5p/PIK3R1 axis |
袁三澴 |